100 Best, Most Interesting Websites 2017

100 Best, Most Interesting Websites 2017

This is the 6th time I’ve created a list of the 100 best websites of the year (links to previous lists below). Wow. It’s really turned into a “thing.” People are always asking when the next list will come out or offering up suggestions (which I never use, sorry — this list is “pure” in that it’s stuff that I’ve encountered organically). I had no idea this was going to be such a popular tradition and, for the 6th time, I’m incredibly excited about this year’s batch of sites.

I’m always amazed that there are these awesome sites floating around on the Internet that I have no idea exist (I guess it’s a good thing an annual list like this exists, ha). For an entire year I keep track of cool sites I run into (with some suggestions from my wife) and it’s always hard waiting so many months to “debut” them here.
Things have changed so much since the first edition of this list. Most people do their web browsing on mobile devices (although many of you — 70% or so, in fact — will read this particular article on a desktop computer), an increasing number of the blogs I like now call Medium home (which wasn’t even a thing when I started) and video continues to eat into the time that used to be occupied by reading online.
But one thing hasn’t changed: people are always looking for something interesting to read. Judging by the analytics from last year’s list, this series is just as popular as ever. If you’re like me then you probably like to discover fun new ways to shop, cook, learn and think and websites and blogs are still one of the greatest ways to do that.
Someday Facebook or some other platform may kill off the individual blog or website. That’d be kind of sad. But that day hasn’t come yet. Enjoy!
PS — I’ll leave links to the last 5 lists I made down at the bottom of this list if you want to do some further exploring (most of the sites I’ve listed are just as good as ever!).
1. You to YouTuber – How to start a successful YouTube channel!
2. Interesting Finds – Tons of jaw-droppingly cool products (updated daily)!
3. The Outline – Whoa.
4. Culture Trip – Travel, restaurants and things to do!
5. Seeker – Act on your curiosity. Observe and explore.
6. The Mission – Stories about accelerated learning, tech and definite optimism.
7. Google Trends – See what’s trending on Google.
8. Thought Economics – Interviews with the world’s leading thinkers.
9. The Nerdwriter – Amazing video essays (YouTube placeholder, but still).
10. TrendWatching – Consumer trends and insights from around the world.
11. BetaList – Discover awesome startups (and get early access).
12. Boxed – Online wholesale.
13. Launchpad – Discover unique and unexpected tech products.
14. Eater – For people who care about dining.
15. Library of Congress – All these years and I never featured this!
16. Square Mile – From the city of London.
17. It’s Nice That – Championing creativity since 2007.
18. Futurism – Transformative technologies maximizing human potential.
19. Kinfolk – Design, interiors, arts, food and more.
20. Mini Magazine – For the modern parent.
21. Google Arts & Culture – Explore stories from around the world.
22. Order of Man – Become the man you were meant to be.

23. Fatherly – Win parenting.
24. Kottke – Just awesome stuff. Can’t believe I haven’t featured this before!
25. Si Le Soleil – A fun adventure (use Chrome to translate).
26. More Then Just Parks – Sharing the wonders of America’s national parks.
27. Magenta – People, technology and design.
28. Cereal – Travel, style and city guides.
29. Lonny – Women’s lifestyle.
30. Poets.org – Get a poem a day and more from the Academy of American Poets.
31. University of the People – Tuition-free (accredited) online university.
32. Heat Street – Free speech celebrated. No safe spaces.
33. Pretty Stuff – The best inspiration curated.
34. Upperlyne & Co. — A lifestyle blog.
35. Trotter – Curated city guides.
36. The Ringer – Sports.
37. Wareable – Tech for your connected self.
38. BOOOOOOOM – Create and inspire.
39. General Store – A stylish shop for your house a more.
40. Daily Overview – Showing Earth from above to change the way we see our planet.
41. The Chalkboard – A guide to living well.
42. Dessert for Two – Don’t click this if you’re hungry…
43. How We Get To Next – Inspiring stories about the people building our future.
44. Texting with Cancer – Just what it sounds like.
45. Extra Crispy – Culture, food, video and more.
46. Lavin Label – Entertainment, style and travel inspiration.
47. Inverse – Covering what could happen next.
48. Cool Material – Gear, articles and stuff guys want.
49. Personal Growth – Keep learning, keep growing.
50. Foodstirs – Modern baking.
51. Citizens of the World – Travel exploration.
52. MOCO LOCO – Modern contemporary design.
53. Hacker Noon – How hackers start their afternoons.
54. Uplabs – Daily UI inspiration and downloads.
55. Future Learn – Free online courses.
56. Better Humans – Productivity, leadership, health and more.
57. The Billfold – Everything you wanted to know about money.
58. Muz.li – The designer’s secret source (of inspiration).
59. The Browser – Writing worth reading.
60. Out of Print – Books, worn well. Cool clothes and merch from stories.
61. Letterlist – Discover amazing newsletters (seriously, ones that don’t suck).
62. Science of Us – Get a handle on behavior and productivity.
63. Lost At E Minor – Global culture site based in Australia.
64. NextShark – The voice of global Asian youth.
65. The Lost Avocado – Travel, food, lifestyle and more (use Chrome to translate).
66. Handmade Charlotte – DIY and creative family living.
67. Outblush – Curated women’s fashion products.
68. Boundless – High-quality educational content to replace textbooks.
69. Lightbox – TIME’s best photography.
70. Darkroom – Exploring visual journalism.
71. Racked – Fashion.
72. Bright – What’s new in education.
73. We and the Color – An art and design blog.
74. Herschel Supply Co. – Timeless products with a fine regard for detail.
75. UploadVR – VR news, events and more.
76. HomeDSGN – Ideas for your dream home.
77. FashionBeans – Men’s fashion, grooming, hair and more.
78. The Coffeelicious – Fiction, poetry, comics and more.
79. Arkitip – What’s there to love that you haven’t discovered.
80. Pretty Lil Things – Fashion, beauty, lifestyle.
81. The Photo Society – A collective of over 160 National Geographic photographers.
82. Yopk – Art, design and photography (use Chrome to translate).
83. Back Down South – Pictures and stories from the South.
84. La Dolce Vita – Design, art, travel and style inspiration.
85. Inc. Edu – Learn how to become a successful entrepreneur.
86. Alpine Modern – Mountain gear shop (cool stuff from Boulder, Colorado).
87. Meh.com – A new deal everyday at Midnight EST.
88. Hackaday – Entertainment for engineers.
89. Sew Caroline – Modern sewing inspiration.
90. Yatzer – Travel, architecture, design, art, fashion and more.
91. The Kentucky Gent – Adventures in men’s fashion and lifestyle.
92. astormtropperaday – Stuff for people who like stormtroopers (daily).
93. The Silph Road – Pokemon GO resources.
94. The Tiny Times – A child. And a blogger.
95. Resource Magazine – Photo. Video. Lifestyle.
96. NITCH – Photos and quotes from notable figures.
97. Oh My Disney – Quizzes, news, art, video, nostalgia.
98. Camels & Chocolate – Adventures of a picture-taking, food-loving journalist.
99. Good Things Guy – The home of everything good.
100. Unique Hunters – Cool stuff and awesome entertainment.
101. SolidSmack – The best in design, tech, cad and fab.
A few notes. Don’t be offended if I didn’t pick your site as one of the best websites this year — it’s a big Internet. But there’s always next year! Also this list is kinda sorta “in order” but not really. All of these sites are awesome in some way or another and they can’t all be ranked #1. Finally, I included a few international sites this year for the first time — I’d recommend using Chrome to translate them. Oh and one more thing: please don’t send me your suggestions for next year’s list… I get far too much spam and plenty of “suggestions” from people just trying to promote themselves.
100 Best, Most Interesting Websites 2017 100 Best, Most Interesting Websites 2017 Reviewed by Tecnology Funky on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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